Tandem – A relations co-creation workshop

A diegetic/extradiegetic pre-larp workshop for the creation or improvement of relations between characters.


It has been put to test during the larp la sirena varada.
This workshop follows a process quite similar to the one in Coffee for 2.

The interaction between participants and characters has many similarities with speeddating.


  • As many space divisions as pairs of participants in the larp. I will refer to each space as “table” from now on.
  • Two sitting spots for table.
  • A chronometer or clock for the organizer.


  • Participants divide in two equal groups that I will call: static and dynamic.
  • In case of odd participant number, either:
    • One tandem of three is allowed.
    • The participant left in each round does the tandem with the organizer.
  • Statics sit one per table.
  • Dynamics do the same.
  • After a lapse of time (7-8 minutes seem optimal) dynamics move to the next table.
  • Conversations take place out and in character simultaneously.
  • Conversations focus in the relation between their characters. Past, present and future. Secret or open.
Note: It is not recommended more than 5-6 tandems (40-45 minutes) as it gets tiring over time.
If required, rotations can continue until all statics meet all dynamics. Additional tandems can take place by using combinatorics.


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